Years ago, as I was about to be introduced to an amazing professional photographer that I had admired from afar for a LONG heart raced and I took a deep breath. (Any newbie would appreciate this!) She reached out, shook my hand & with a genuine smile, told me how nice it was to meet me. (I'm thinking, "Really?? YOU'RE happy to meet ME??") We "talked shop" a while (I was VERY NEW to the industry way back then!) & she left me with this bit of information that I will NEVER forget. She said, "There's enough business to go around for all of us". THIS has stuck with me through the years!
**Do I want YOU to hire ME? YES!!! TOTALLY!! Will you have a wonderful experience & have beautiful timeless portraits? MOST DEFINITELY!!** That being said, I am not a competitive person. I'm just not. I want everyone to succeed. I've always believed that supporting a peer's success will never dampen yours. I am friends with some AMAZING professionals! You guys know who you are!! ;) I still giggle with delight when one of these professionals "likes" one of MY images on social media!! It is so important to choose a photographer that you are comfortable with to capture your vision. Hire a professional that you can be yourself around.....someone you can laugh with and easily have a meaningful conversation with and open up to. Time goes by so fast.....we THINK we will "remember". Chances are, we will forget some of those tiny details. I ADORE getting to know my clients so I can understand them & capture their true uniqueness! If you are compelled to do so, I would LOVE to read your comments!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of my business! If you are interested in hiring me to photograph your family, kids, senior, baby, special event, etc.....please message me TODAY!! xoxo ~Tracy
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